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Important Information For All Admissions

The following information is meant to help new admissions with preparation for their stay with and departure from Intermountain Hospital. Please note that Intermountain Hospital cannot provide internet services or access for our patients due to no wireless connectivity. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and highly recommend patients seeking treatment complete any/all financial transactions prior to admission.

  • If possible, please bring (or have brought to you) a few changes of clothing.
  • Avoid “over-packing” as storage space is limited.
  • Please leave valuables such as cash, jewelry, laptops, cell phones, MP3 players and credit cards at home, or send them home as soon as possible after admission. These items are not allowed on the unit.
  • To help prevent misplaced or lost items, it is helpful if your personal items are labeled with at least your first name and last initial.
  • All items brought in by or for you will have to be checked by staff members for any potential safety issues or prohibited items. Unit staff will document all of the patient’s belongings.
  • Any items that, per hospital policy, are considered unsafe (or even potentially unsafe) or contraband items will be secured until the patient is discharged.
  • Personal care items are checked in and out to patients by nursing staff due to safety concerns. These items are frequently referred to as your “ADLs” (Activities of Daily Living) on the unit.
  • Please bring personal care items that you use on a daily basis. However, glass containers, mirrors, safety/disposable shaving razors, bars of soap and hair ties with metal pieces will not be allowed on the unit (please leave such items at home).
  • Toiletry items cannot have an alcohol component among the first five ingredients.
  • We do not allow perfume, body spray, or cologne due to potential allergies, sensitivities, or irritations of other patients and staff.
  • Items brought from home should be in their original, PLASTIC containers. Makeup products may be used, but they cannot be in glass containers, have mirrors, or ANY metal parts.
  • If a patient’s own personal care/toiletry items are not allowed for use in the hospital (or a patient does not have any such items), then hospital-approved basic toiletry/personal care products can be provided to patients, including toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, safety flossers, deodorant, feminine care products, shampoo, conditioner and body wash (in shower). Earplugs are also available.
  • Corded appliances like hair dryers and curling/flat irons are also NOT allowed.
  • Cordless razors may be brought from home, but will only be checked out to a patient as needed.
  • Hospital hair clippers may be available for patient use (ask nursing staff).

Service animals are welcome at the facility.
Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Service animals require the following prior to acceptance:

  • Patient/Visitor will have control of the animal at all times.
  • Patient/Visitor will clean up after their animal.
  • Patient/Visitor will be able to care for their animal including providing food and water.
  • Patient/Visitor acuity will be reviewed. Patient will be able to maintain safety with their animal (i.e patient who is suicidal/self-harming cannot be left alone with a leash/collar that can be used for self-harm).
  • If the patient is not able or is unwilling to care for the animal as listed above, the nursing supervisor and the Administrator on Call will ask for the animal to be removed from the hospital grounds.

Patients are allowed to wear their own clothing (if appropriate) while on the unit, unless ordered otherwise for safety reasons. The way people dress sends a message and clothing can have a definite effect upon the way a person feels about himself/herself. We encourage all patients to take care of themselves (as much as they are capable of doing), to pay attention to the way they dress and look, to complete daily personal hygiene and grooming and to practice habits that will help them to feel better about themselves. In case a patient has no clothing available, Intermountain Hospital can provide temporary disposable paper-material scrubs and slipper socks for him/her to wear. Patients may request from staff that their laundry be washed. Laundry soap will be provided by the hospital.
The following dress code has been developed to serve as a guideline for patients. Any issue in the determination of inappropriate clothing items will ultimately be at the discretion of the program manager or nursing supervisor.

  • NO strings, sashes, belts, shoelaces, scarves, etc. are allowed on the unit.
  • Clothing cannot be see-through, too revealing, too tight, too loose or too short.
  • Tube tops/tank tops cannot to be worn by either females or males.
  • Please, no G-string or thong-style underwear.
  • Bras with underwires are only allowed on a case-by-case basis due to potential safety issues.
  • Pants/shorts must be worn at the waist.
  • Shoes should be worn outside of the hospital buildings. Feet should be covered at all times; slippers and socks are acceptable while in the building. Slipper socks can be provided for you.
  • Patients must wear some kind of bed clothing. Sleeping in the nude or in underwear is not allowed. Nightwear is restricted to the bedroom.
  • All clothing must be free of written messages, slogans or pictures which have reference to drugs, alcohol, sex, violence or gangs.
  • Due to safety and security issues, Intermountain Hospital requests that patients leave/send all personal jewelry items home for the duration of their stay here. Otherwise, jewelry will be secured by staff, documented and locked-up until the patient’s time of discharge.
  • Wedding rings are permitted to be worn by patients only if the patient is determined to not be at risk of losing the ring, giving the ring away, or using the ring to harm self/others.
  • Body piercings are not allowed, although sometimes removing jewelry may cause harm. In this case, the jewelry may remain and the patient must agree to leave the piercings in.
  • If piercings are removed and the pierced area is free from infection or other complication, plastic “retainer” clips can be utilized to maintain the pierced area. All retainers must be entirely made of plastic. The hospital does not supply these retainers.

For the safety and consideration of all our patients, we ask residents and visitors not to bring certain items to Intermountain Hospital. Please note that while these items may not necessarily pose a safety risk to you, they may pose a potential risk for others. All items brought to the unit by anyone will be inspected by staff for on-unit approval. Examples of these items include, but are not limited to:

  • Metal/sharp objects such as razors, scissors, pins, needles, tweezers, tacks, pencil sharpeners, nail clippers, eyelash curlers, sharp hair clips with metal, tin/aluminum soda pop cans, etc.
  • Glass mirrors, ceramics, bottles, vases, etc. (i.e., anything breakable with potentially sharp pieces)
  • Strings, wires, shoelaces, belts, cords, ties, scarves, long hair ties, woven Paracord items, etc.
  • Tube tops, tank tops or revealing/provocative clothing.
  • All jewelry including necklaces, bracelets, watches, body piercing jewelry, rings, etc. (Wedding rings are only acceptable if the patient is not at a risk of losing/giving away rings or of self-harm.) Please be advised that Intermountain Hospital highly recommends having jewelry items sent home with family members or being locked up as valuables. Body piercings may only remain if it is determined that the removal will cause more harm to the patient than leaving them in.
  • Alcohol, drugs and medications – including over-the-counter medication.
  • Cigarettes, tobacco, e-cigarettes or vaping devices.
  • Lighters and matches.
  • Firearms, knives, or weapons of any kind.
  • Electronic or battery devices (cell phones, laptops, tablets, smart watches, MP3 players, video games, etc.)
  • Magnetic toys.
  • Plastic bags and luggage/backpacks.
  • Plastic bottles, travel mugs or beverage containers.
  • Boots with reinforced/steel toes.
  • Coat or clothing hangers.
  • Q-tips/cotton ear swabs.
  • Fingernail polish and remover.
  • Toxic fluids and chemicals such as glues, ammonia, bleach, gasoline, lighter fluid, etc.
  • Alcohol-based products.
  • Perfume, body spray or cologne.
  • Personal bedding, blankets, pillows, linens, or “stuffed animals” from home.
  • Electric blankets and heating pads.
  • Curling irons, flat irons or hairdryers.
  • Art supplies such as spiral notebooks, white out, permanent markers, erasers, ink pens, pencils (Due to safety mandates, only hospital-approved writing utensils are permitted and provided for patient use.)
  • Live or cut flowers and plants.
  • Pets or companion animals (only necessary trained service animals required for a disability.)
  • No food is permitted in patient rooms.

For any additional information or questions, contact us at 800-321-5984 or 208-377-8400.